Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2002
This year the weather cooperated unlike last year when the festival was ravaged by high winds. Besides Mo Hunt who owns the rifle from the show "Rifleman" and one could have a picture taken with that very rifle - Peter, Alex Cord and Bob Fuller were the only celebrities in Calico. They were set up in a tent and even though it rained very lightly on and off on Friday, they had a great time mingling with the folks at the Festival.
Saturday and Sunday it was cool and dry and the sun came out most of the time so a nice crowd was drawn to Calico Ghost Town. "Singing Cowboy" and another band were playing music throughout the weekend right across from the tent (which sometimes was so loud that one couldn't hear a thing) and people danced in the street. Kowboy Kal - who is in the Guiness Book of World Records for several accomplishments with his rope - showed his skill all three days as well, being incredible with the children (who also loved his horse). He even taught Alex how to do a loop (as you can see in the photo below) and Alex didn't too do bad for a 10 minute lesson. On Sunday Kal actually attempted his World Record of doing a loop with a 100 ft. rope and succeeded twice .... if I understood him right he had never done it while standing on his horse and luckily I was able to take pictures of this as well. Overall the Festival was a success and the guys enjoyed their time in Calico.... [As did Kerstin.]
Peter, Kal, Bob Fuller, Alex Cord
Bob Fuller playing spoons
Alex after a roping lesson
Kal - the record holding roper
Kal Roping the Stars - Ken Farmer, Alex,
Bob, Peter
Bob, Alex, singer, Peter
Sandra's report: Just got back from Calico, had a great time. Went with my husband and granddaughter, age 16. Got there around 9:45 am. It is a ghost town that's been authentically reproduced; it was a silver mining town. It's at the edge of the mountains along a narrow gorge, desert. There were 3 bands and a musician who entertained through out the day. The stores opened at 10:00. The guys don't open their tent til noon.
There were also recreated shooting vignettes. We had lunch around noon at the other end of town from the guys tent, and making our way back through the stores, when we passed them going to lunch. I was looking at something else and didn't really see them, until my husband pointed them out saying, "Wasn't that Bob, going up the hill?"
Peter was back from lunch first. He asked the source of the photos I had from the 80's. I told him Ed Colbert had taken it at a soap opera venue. He made a comment to my granddaughter about waiting; I told him she was with me. She was thrilled when he said she was beautiful. [See photo below. Peter knows beauty when he sees it.]
The singer across the street asked them to do a song with him. So they did. Kerstin and I both got some shots of that. There weren't too many people there while we were there [Sat], I guess because of the threat of rain, but all day we just had a very few sprinkles and it stopped.Sandra
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