Wayne Maunder as Scott Lancer
James Stacy as Johnny Madrid Lancer
Andrew Duggan as Murdoch Lancer
Elizabeth Baur as Teresa O'Brien
Paul Brinegar as Jelly Hoskins
Fan Fiction
Stories Listed by Author
Story Submission Email Karen at
If you submit a story, we'll create an author page at that time and add your subsequent titles to that page as well as to the general Lancer story titles page. Poems, cross-overs with other series, satire etc. welcome. R-rated stories also welcome but should be labeled as such - some readers will seek them out, others want to avoid them. No slash (these guys are brothers after all), and no WIPs.
Your stories will also be archived on this archive's mirror site ( unless you tell us on submission that you don't want this service
At this time, we don't beta or proofread the manuscripts unless asked to do so. We might catch some obvious spelling errors, etc. while formatting or loading onto the server but don't count on it. [So let's be careful out there - your name will be on the story.] Don't ask for beta reading unless you want a real critique - there are two friendly Lancer writing lists noted below you can join if you want to run a story by some readers and ask them questions about plot points, canon, etc. but aren't looking for an in depth critique.
As most of you know, fanfic can't be copyrighted because someone else owns the characters, concept and everything else Lancer. Most series (even those currently running) turn a blind eye to the copyright violation that is fanfic because fanfic enhances fan interest in the series. A copyright notice intended to protect your original content carries no legal weight whatsoever and is not necessary. Obviously you can't sue someone if they steal a story that itself is a copyright violation against the owners of the series. However, the world of fanfic seems to run pretty well on the honor system of "shadow" copyright. Your name [or other personal identifier] and date on the story can show another website owner that a duplicate story submitted to them later has been plagiarized. We will remove the stories of an author against whom an act of clear plagiarism has been proved. However, remember that even in profic, ideas and titles cannot be copyrighted.
We honor the rights of authors to control their own stories. If after submission, all the listed authors on a story want it removed, we will do so. If one of the authors of a jointly authored story wants her name removed, we can do that. If an author or authors wants to rewrite a story and resubmit it, that's fine with us.
A writer's work will not normally be removed from the site due to a conflict with another writer. It is expected that writers will settle their disputes without our intervention. In no case will we become involved in a dispute between authors or remove a story from the site at the request of anyone but the author of that work except in a proven case of plagiarism as noted above.
Taffey's Wayne Maunder Photo Gallery
Lancer Links:
Marilyn's Johnny M Lancer site
Lancer Writing sites:
[For those who can't wait for stories to be posted here - read some of the works in progress on the Lancer yahoo groups listed below. Or contribute some of your own]WIP Lash Too Writers
Lancer Then and Now
For those who like the classic Western Bonanza, we'd like to recommend the site:
An Archive of classic Bonanza fanfiction