Peter Brown is a long-time friend of Hugh Hefner whose Oui Magazine was part of the Playboy empire. The November 1974 issue of Oui featured Peter and a female friend in a nude beach layout. There's nothing remotely pornographic about the pictures, just two great looking young adults frolicking nude on the beach. They recall the more innocent time of the sexual revolution before evils like AIDS spoiled the fun. Even so, the pictures were published in an adult magazine not in a forum as public as the internet.
In order to keep our PG rating (and because Peter would prefer to keep the more revealing pictures in the magazine rather than on the internet), we cropped the one photo that caused most of the controversy in the world of daytime drama. At the time, Peter was very popular as Dr. Greg Peters in Days of Our Lives, a role he continued to play until 1979.
The March 1975 issue of Afternoon TV Stars contained an interview with Peter headlined as "Those Controversial Nude Photos of Peter Brown--Why He Did It!" In his interview explaining the layout, Peter said his friend Hugh Hefner knew Peter had rejected offers to do nude centerfolds in Playgirl and Viva which involved full frontal nudity. (The Oui spread includes 3/4 frontal nudity but the difference is more than a quibble. The mood of Peter's layout is much different than "the look at me I'm a naked stud" pictures in other magazines. Hefner was willing to give Peter full editorial approval over what appeared and because they were friends, he trusted Hef's word.) The shoot was done in an isolated part of Cabo San Lucas with no spectators. The look of the spread is playful and romantic rather than vulgar. The interviewer couldn't get Peter to say so, but it's likely he was well-paid for the work. As Peter's fan mail (already healthy) on Days of Our Lives jumped after the photos were published, the show had no reason to complain.

Although Peter's "business" is partially obsured in the unaltered version, we have cropped this photo.
Official Peter Brown Fan Site